Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wrap Star: Ecosaurus Recycled Gift Wrap

Beautifully wrapped gifts make for tempting treats beneath the Christmas tree, but following the present-opening-palooza - these pretty paper shells often make one-way trips to local landfills.

But not all gift wrap is eco-oblivious, and not all wrapping paper deserves a bad wrap. But you have to know what's what.

There are more and more companies branding their paper goods as "100 percent recycled." But it's important to know that there's more to green gift wrap than the recycled content of the paper. For starters, there's the post-consumer-waste composition, the processing, the choice of inks and much more. We encourage you to visit this site to decode the buzzwords and terms that are used to "greenwash" a product and potentially mislead consumers into thinking a purchase option is greener than it is.

We at Ecosaurus are proud that we've gone above and beyond to ensure you a fresh, truly green option in gift wrap. Our recycled gift wrap is made from 100-percent-recycled paper with a 50-percent post-consumer-waste composition. What else? Our paper is Forest Stewardship Council Certified, processed chlorine free, printed with vegetable-based inks and made in the U.S.A. Last but not least, Ecosaurus gift wrap, unlike most wrapping paper, can be placed in the recycle bin when the gift-opening festivities come to a close on Christmas morning (and on other present-perfect occasions).

But the bottom line is you gotta fancy the look of something in order to buy it. So take a look at our collection. We hope you like it. Shop green. Feel good. Ecosaurus.

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