Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sleep tight and sweet dreams!

Are you often tired? Do people who rest easy make you green with envy? Indeed, it's hard to be earth-friendly (or people-friendly) when you're short on sleep. Here's a list of factors and habits that inhibit shuteye and suggestions on how you can sleep better.

  • Caffeine: Try not to drink it after 5 p.m.
  • Stress: Drink chamomile tea or take a hot bath to help you relax before slipping into the sheets. Reading a book to distract your mind from the day’s activities will also help you to relax.
  • Too much thinking: Write down your ruminations before going to bed, and keep a notebook beside your bed so you can jot down thoughts, ideas or to-do's that wake you up in the night.
  • Constipation: Load up on fiber to keep things moving.
  • Inconsistent routines: Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time seven days a week. Doing so will help your body to settle into a sleep-friendly rhythm.
  • Light: Streetlights and alarm clock lights can disrupt your sleep. If they do, use blackout shades, and position your clock at a distance from your bed.
  • Sound: Consider ear plugs or sound machines to help block noise or generate sleep-friendly sounds.
  • Low serotonin: Serotonin regulates sleep, reduces pain and appetite, and generally calms you down and improves your mood. Sugar is said to help serotonin levels rise. If you wake up at night, try eating something sweet or add a tablespoon of sugar to a glass of water. ~ "Food & Mood," Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 1999.
  • Dehydration: Some say that lack of sleep causes dehydration and vice versa. Drink water during the day, but try not to drink it too close to bedtime because a full bladder will wake you up.
  • Hot temperatures: Cool it. Lower temperatures help your body relax and go into sleep mode faster.
  • Sleep attire: Go buck! When it comes to pajamas, less is more. Sleeping naked is actually ideal because clothes can make you uncomfortable even if you don't notice them while unconscious. Adding blankets instead of clothes will leave your body free to move around, and you’ll be able to toss or cover to control the temperature.
  • Strong smells: Avoid air fresheners, aromatic candles and potpourri in the bedroom.
  • Mattresses and pillows: Invest in high-quality ergonomic mattresses and pillows.
  • Linens: Select soft sweat absorbent choices such as bamboo or high-thread count organic cotton to create an ideal sleep surface.
Sweet dreams!

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