Saturday, August 22, 2009

Do a little, do a lot

Today I was ruffling through a stack of old magazines and came across an April 2007 copy of Real Simple. I tore out some cool pictures for crafty purposes and reread a few articles, one of which focused on earth-friendly living. It was a good refresher, and some of the tips struck me as being worth recycling in a blog. Here are four.

1. Get the lint out
Drying clothes costs the average U.S. household $135/year. If your dryer has a full lint filter, it may require up to 30 percent more energy to get the job done.

2. Pick recycled paper products
If every home purchased just one pack of 100-percent-recycled napkins, it would save one million trees! FYI, check out one U.S. manufacturer whose paper products - including Kleenex and Cottonelle - are heading for greener pastures.

3. Tap
A standard faucet used three gallons of water per minute. So go stream-free when you brush or shave. (Yeah, seems like a no-brainer... but I know people who still don't think to go stream-free at the sink!)

4. Consider your computation device
A laptop uses about half the energy of a desktop. Look for models with Energy Star ratings, which require 70 percent less juice than a non-certified option. ~A.F.

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